Friday, September 26, 2008

Good Samartian Stabbed in Auckland's CBD

Father of three, Austin Bernard Hemmings went to the aid of a woman who was being punchedby a man in the car park outside where she worked in Hills Lane, Auckland at 5:30pm last night.

The attacker turned on Mr Hemmings, stabbing him fatally in the chest.

Mr Hemming's family were contacted by paramedics who found their ICE number in his mobile phone, but by the time they arrived Mr Hemmings had passed away. The family then had a 20 hour wait before his body could be removed from the scene.

The Hemmings family had moved from Hamilton to Devonport 6 months ago when Austin took up a job as an IAG broker manager.

Police later arrested an 45 year old sickness beneficiary in the South Auckland suburb of Otahuhu.

South Auckland has long held a poor reputation for high levels of crime, many people are concerned that crime is out of control and spilling over into other parts of the region.

The incident has shocked many people and provoked outrage amongst many sections of the community. This thread was started on YahooNZ News:

NZ Has Gone To The Dogs


"By Ed's View
A hero is dead and it's official: this country has gone to the dogs.

Late on Thursday afternoon, 44-year-old Austin Bernard Hemmings did what any good decent human would do when he stepped in to help a woman who had been assaulted by another man.

He'd finished his day at work and was going home to his family - his wife and three children.

But he saw someone in trouble and helped out.

For this he is now dead and a 45-year-old sickness beneficiary who has name suppression is now in custody facing charges of assaulting a woman.

Further charges are no doubt due to follow, but at the time of writing this person was up on an assault charge.

This is downright disgusting.

And New Zealand has officially become a place where most people now live in fear.

The amount of child abuse, dosmetic violence, drug use, gang violence and murder is horrific.

There is no other way to describe it. It is appalling..........

New Zealand is no longer safe.

The police lack the ability to stop crime; they simply react to it after it happens.

They lack the resources to be able to do their jobs. For goodness sake, they have only just been given the "right" to use tasers to stop violent criminals. They can't even return fire at the people that are shooting at them with a taser!

Most criminals now carry weapons whether they're petty thieves, burglars, gang bangers out prowling or armed robbers......

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